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  STARGATE by Robert Venosa 

STARGATE by Robert Venosa

A dazzling masterwork by visionary painter Robert Venosa.

It is a classic Venosa representation of the supernatural, transcendent worlds that were his artistic signature.
Only few have painted the light as powerfully as Robert Venosa. In his amorphous, crystalline, otherworldly landscapes he projects the light with a definitive edge and great intensity, always reflecting its full spectrum, brilliance and translucency while juxtaposition it against its darker manifestations.
One great central focus of Robert Venosa’s life was to create his impressive artistic body of work. Another was his never ceasing curiosity about the non-consensus reality aspects of our existence. This led him to seek out the mysterious shamanic realms during numerous visits to the Amazonian Rainforest.
The resulting experiences immensely fueled his imagination and inspired him to create timeless masterpieces which still captivate the viewer through their ethereal forms, cosmic content and numinosity.  

Very few original Venosa paintings are currently available for sale. This is a rare opportunity to own a Robert Venosa collection piece.

51.5" x 32.5"
Oil on canvas


Robert Venosa has been exhibited worldwide and is represented in major collections, including those of noted museums, rock stars, and European aristocracy. In addition to painting, sculpting, and film design (pre-sketches and conceptual design for the movie DUNE. His work has been the subject of three books, as well as being featured in numerous publications - most notably OMNI magazine - and on a number of CD covers, including those of KITARO. 

He first studied underMati Klarwein in New York. Venosa then went on to study with Ernst Fuchs iin Vienna. In the early 1970s he moved to Cadaques, Spain. Here he met and befriended Salvador Dali. He later introduced H.R. Giger to Dalí.

Venosa traveled the globe with his partner, artist Martinna Hoffman, teaching their painting technique. The technique is a derivative of what Venosa learned from his masterful teachers. 

Robert Venosa was one of the illuminating lights of fantastic and visionary art. He died in 2011.

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